A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

To, too and two.....Either way they're all giving me a headache!

So I was watching the News the other day (Channel 9 Eye-witness), when suddenly they have this report with a little box and a title that said "Gone to far". I sat there for a second and just stared at that window like it was a black hole that just sprouted from the head of a nun. When did they ever use "to" where "too" should be?

What I've been noticing in the last couple of years, is a severe decline in the English language. I'm talking mucho malo decline. So bad that I sit there wondering just how people manage to communicate properly.

I have a friend who I talk to online from time to time. She's quite a sweet girl (a little confused and backwards at times) but only about 14 years old and still naive about things I really wish she wasn't so naive about (mostly relationships and love).
Through our times chatting and joking around, she's made me wonder what some of the teachers are teaching the children in our present day.
We were having a nice discussion about good movies coming out sometime later that month, and I asked her if she had seen any good movies lately. She immediately responded that she couldn't have "seen" anything, and stated "I haven't SAW any good movies."
I sat there in a kind of shock trying to figure out if what I had actually said was indeed incorrect. It's one of those moments were you're kind of stuck at a position of trying to figure out if you've been wrong all along, and you feel dumbfounded until you come to your senses. I spent about the next 20 minutes saying saw and seen to myself in different ways to see if I was just saying it incorrectly. Honestly, all i really managed to do was give myself a monster headache.
We spent quite a good amount of time trying to convince each other that our individual viewpoints were correct, and it ended at a stand still when she kind of shrugged and went "oh well".
I'm not one to press a point if the other person isn't up to listening, but what surprised me the most was she was so adamant about her correction (probably where my confusion was coming from).

I'm not much of a grammar fiend (i've known quite a few that would stop short of smiting you to get you to correct your speech), but when someone uses something that is blatantly out of place, I just have to say something at least once, then i leave it alone.

But either way, "proper" English like my grandmother used to push on me seems to be on the downtrend.


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