A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Saturday, November 27, 2004


What i'm really in the mood for right now is a good zombie flick. Yeap...Nothing like a couple of flesh eating zombies on screen to go with the buttery goodness of a good bowl of popcorn!

Just what is it about zombie movies that is so darn entertaining?
For me...it's the blood and gore. Anything that lets you watch heads explode in blood misting glory is pure entertainment or me.
Bust a couple of zombie heads and BAM you get a smash hit, and lots of fun for a saturday night movie fest! (toss in a couple of boobies and it earns a spot on my "Shelf 'o honor" too).

And what Zombie movie would be complete with completely witty and devistating one liners?!
One liners, always good for blasting with a shotgun or smashing in skulls with a wickett bat!
One liners, guaranteed to make you look ultra cool, even if you managed to unleash the ultimate evil upon the world!
One liners, just damn sexy!

Next up: "They run HOW fast?!!!" in ZOMBIES!!! (pt2)


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