A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Friday, December 29, 2006

Officially part of the I-Cult

For Christmas I was officially made a member of the I-Cult.

Thanks to Constance (My beautiful and absolutely terrific Fiancee!) I'm now the proud owner of one 4 GB I-Pod Nano (2nd Gen).

I know what most of you are thinking..."Pffft...what's so great about that?! We've had ours since they came out!", but man this is one of the best gifts I've gotten since my laptop, and new parts for my gaming rig!

It was so unexpected that Constance managed to get a rather embarrassing video of me jumping up and down like a jumping bean.....that's never going to get posted......EVER.

God I love this I-Pod!
*runs off to listen to music*


CSI: Great TV!!

Something about watching interesting characters figure out what happened on a murder scene!

Ever since we've gotten a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) I've been watching CSI and Mythbusters like a nut! I've come to the realization that a lot of the myths in Mythbusters are from or shown in CSI....Does CSI take ideas from Mythbusters, or vice versa?

Just thought I'd mention it......
Great show!
