A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Trivial Tutorial: Just feel the drive!

Time again for another trivial tutorial, number two of an unnumbered series of tutorials meant to help you enjoy things that you normally wouldn't think about.

In our day to day rush to get from place to place, we sometimes forget the immense joy of being able to cruise along at speeds well beyond our human capabilities.

**Side Note**
At least beyond our capabilities if you're not the Bionic Man, Superman or any other kind of "man"/ "noun-verb" that can be used as a moniker for, "Holy shit look at what I can do faster than the rest of you putzes!"

Further examples: "The Flash", "Quicksilver", "Super Atomic Mega Ultra Ass Kicker Man now with 500 times the speed of a regular human times Infinity! (and beeeeeyyyyouuuuunddd uuunnndd uuuun nnnndddduuuunnnnddddddddddd)"
**END Side Note**

In addition, here in Florida we basically cruise around using air conditioning, so we particularly end up being a little detached while riding around.

Trivial tutorial today? "Just feeling the drive".
Caution: This should only be done if you are already a decent driver (if you're inattentive or inexperienced then you could risk having an accident or two while you daydream :P)

Best to do this when you have an hour or two to not worry about anything as you'll feel less stress overall.

1) Find a road or area which is kind of a "back road".
By "back road" I mean a road in which you don't have to be worried about being pushed along by aggressive drivers with occasional patches of trees and shade.

Note: This will be easier for those of us who don't live in huge cities

2) Open up your windows. Yes I mean ALL of them! If you have a sunroof, so much the better as it will help you move a lot of air inside of the car.

3) Find a comfortable speed to follow along the road with around the speed limit.
Stick with it for a time. Don't concentrate on acceleration or deceleration too much, just let the car cruise along at a steady pace so you don't have to make a lot of adjustments or feel the transmission jerk into different gears.

4) Take a few breaths and enjoy the scents and the air going by. Hopefully you're not near a cow field or something...that would stink....

5) Look around at the various things along the road and don't think particularly too much about them, just enjoy how they look or how the light goes off of them. I'm getting kind of mumbo-jumoish, but you know what? It works.
You never really get to enjoy anything nowadays since it's mostly just, "Oh I've got to get here!" or "I've got to get there!" This is time to just relax and actually see how fast you go in a car.

6) If you feel like it, turn on some music. Nothing hard core, or particularly fast.
Just put on something that is enjoyable to listen to while letting yourself enjoy the ride. Classical, oldies, acoustic guitars, hip-hop or pop. Rock even!

I personally like to hook up my I-pod and play some Incubus.
"Make yourself" being one of my favorite albums with a little bit of "A Crow left of the Murder" for a couple of other songs I love.

er...now that i think of it, it's kind of ironic I listen to "Drive" while driving

7) CAUTION: Don't let your mind wander too much, you still need to pay attention to the road!

8) Do this for a bit, and just enjoy the sensations of going down the road without a care. I've done this a few times when I've got a weekend coming up with nothing else planned (which is rare nowadays) It really does help!

I particularly like roads with several twists and turns, a straightway and then some shady forests/woods to let some cool air come in. Smells great! and the buzzing from insects is oddly relaxing.

This exercise also has an added bonus of airing our your car.
Which is probably already pretty stuffy because you never open the windows....right?

YES YOU! *finger pointing*




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