A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Trivial Tutorial: Breathing to slow down perceptions

I woke up this morning and suddenly had an idea to create a series of simple tutorials for trivial things which can change your mindset and let you just enjoy living.
I figured, what the hell the world is made up of much worse ideas, why not?

SOOOOOOOO I'd like to start off with part one of an unnumbered part series I'm going to title as "Trivial Tutorials" *cue space music and eerie echo*

Trivial Tutorial 1:
"Breathing to slow down perceptions (and enjoy life a little more! Because you need air! And it sucks without it! I love 20 fragmented sentences with exclamations....!!! :) ) "

CAUTION: Only attempt this if you are comfortable with swimming in a "deep" area. (deep meaning an area where your feet do not touch the bottom of the pool)

1) Find a swimming pool that allows you to submerge yourself and sink for a bit.
Caution: NOT too deep that you can't push off from the bottom to quickly jump back up!

2) Float and breathe several times to expand your lungs
Note: Make sure to breathe with your diaphragm and not your chest.
Using your diaphragm is like letting your stomach stick out while breathing in...if your shoulders rise instead of your stomach while you breathe in you're NOT using your diaphragm!

3) Close your eyes and breathe out slowly while you sink, letting bubbles go up slowly.

Some may find the, "Oh god I'm going DOWN so I should life my arms straight up and make myself sink faster!" position VERY useful in this manner.
This is also known as the "TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!" position - which also can signify the death of non-swimming football teams in certain situations. (and possibly you if you were dumb enough to bet on the OTHER team with money you don't have... :P )

(Diagram 1)

("Blub Blub!")
Translation: "OH FUCK! I needs me some O2!!"

" <=== *Bubbles*
\ 0 /

/ \

4) Once you reach the bottom kick up so that you raise at a steady rate (but not too fast otherwise you'll never enjoy the rise!)
Caution: If you feel VERY out of breath, do it quickly! No point in doing this if you're going to drown yourself. :P

5) Once you break surface take a breath (or a few if you're feeling short) and repeat so that you sink again.

6) While doing this exercise, mentally imagine the air leaving your lungs and what little bubbles look like going toward the surface. Then concentrate on every ticking second or heartbeat, you'll notice everything kind of slows down for a second or two...I think this is pretty neat!
(If you're like me you always have your swimming goggles so you can actually WATCH the surface...it's like a big shiny, wavy mirror!)

7) If you really want to appreciate this, every time you come back up, only allow yourself a very quick "normal breath". The rapidly repeat.

Note: Normal in this case is defined as "NOT one of those huge ass gapping breaths that everyone seems to love taking right before they go under water and they go, 'hhhhhaaaaawwwwwoooooooooooo!' like a fricking siren..... I mean good lord man...you realize you make it HARDER to hold your breath when you do that?!" kind of normal.

8) Once you feel tired or ready to stop, resurface and just breathe normally with deep big breaths. You'll notice that you now focus on and appreciate being able to breathe much more (at least I do!)

I personally feel this is a very simple way to mentally "slow down" time to give myself a moment or two to appreciate several things, or to solve a particularly problematic issue.
It is possible to also do this while sitting in a chair, or laying down (breathing exercises are the usual for mediation) but I like to do this while in the water quite honestly.

I like to feel the sinking and rising sensation while going up and down in a pool on top of being able to "sense" the light being reflected to the bottom.

It makes for a very interesting experience overall since NOTHING makes you appreciate the two molecules of oxygen which make up most of your air more than being surrounded by a ton of single oxygen molecules attached to two hydrogen molecules which you CAN'T USE to breathe!!

Too technical? Lets try this....
"BREATHING is not possible for us in WATER!!"


Overall this is a very trivial exercise (as in you don't NEED it or anything) but it's something useful to help yourself enjoy every breath you take, and to just concentrate on every second instead of hours and days.

After a while you get this zen-like feeling of understanding the power of a single second.....and to think we let 60 of these things go every minute!


COME BACK!!!!!!!!

Enjoy! :)



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