A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harassment in an online community

Redstar Gaming Log: 7/22/2007

I recently started up an online gaming community with a buddy of mine called Redstar Gaming. (howdy Weegee!).
Basically he and I were on the same wavelength in which both of us were very tired of playing as part of a clan. It had reached the point where we both felt it would be more enjoyable if we could just find a community where we could see a group of regulars who we could feel comfortable just playing a few rounds of whatever game we chose.

Once launched we decided to focus on a single game with a fairly large following and an enjoyable experience. Our first game was Counterstrike: Source.
For the most part we've found quite a few excellent gamers who just enjoy playing in the same style we do, but as with any game you see your listing of bad eggs from time to time.

From our 2 month timespan of running the Redstargaming Counterstrike: Source server, i've discovered a majority of the annoyance factor is really because of these 12-13 year old gamers who feel they need to change their personal online. (not counting rager clans, which i'll finish making the huge ass bitchfest I want to make about THAT topic....)

I once read an article about how a lot of America's youth try to make their online avatar an excess of what they don't have in real life.
Take a meek, shy and introverted kid, and give him a way to express himself online without having to worry about repercussions. Suddenly we have a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde routine going on.

For the most part there are the simple problems of trash talking, the cravings to be l33t, and the occasional plea for attention. (this is natural...everyone went through this at one point or another.)

But then you get the really bad eggs. The ones who make racial slurs, curse, and seriously disrespect other players they come in contact with in the game world.
(not even counting people who feel they need to trash other people to make themselves feel better, or the ones who continuously try to ruin the game for everyone else)

Generally we can just ignore people like these, but some things you just can't ignore them when they're so darn prevalent!

As a specific example, I can seriously say that I have empathy for most of the female gaming community. I didn't understand before, but I can now understand why a lot of female gamers feel they can't talk over the mic while playing any game.

I've witnessed several instances of this on other Counterstrike servers.
A female gamer talks over the mic on a server. All chatter ceases and she is bombarded with either questions of her gender, non-stopp; irritating as hell comments about "vaginas", or various other "descriptions" of lewd acts against the individual.

To read about it is one thing, but to hear it is quite sickening.

I've both read and listened to what amounts to threats of rape against some of our regular female gamers and it's disgusting...Utterly disgusting.
Those of you who do these actis? You're no worse than the real life counterparts.

In the end, Weegee and I are very happy we both decided to start up Redstar Gaming. It has become even more prevalent now that a lot of gamers (regardless of gender and creed) need a place to just log in after a hard day at work/school, and I'm really happy we can ban the little shits from coming onto any of our hosted servers.

Anyone who feels they would like to enjoy a great online community are welcome to come and join us at http://www.redstargaming.net
(Just join the forums. say hey and maybe log onto our Vent server and you'll be as welcome as anyone else!)

Off to shoot some terrorists!