A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Sunday, May 22, 2005

"Initiate Order 66......"


That was all i could say for a good 10 minutes after the credits began to scroll on the much awaited and debated movie that finally completed the Star Wars Saga.
Episode III has completely redeamed George Lucas in my eyes. He managed to create a story that was both dramatic and action packed which kept my eyes glued to the huge digital projector screen the entire time.

the inital opening scene tells you that this is going to be one kickass movie as two Jedi Starfighters swoop, dive and roll around the topology of a precursor to the Imperial Star Destroyer. In the background Turbolasers blast and explode an a venirable symphony of light. Lord i didn't know it'd be this good!!!

As the story moves on you get to see Anakin as he slowly creeps to the dark side of the force.

I'll have to tell the story after seeing the movie a few more times, because i still didn't soak it all in on the first viewing. (Constance has yet to see this. I think she'll love it!)

One of the most dramatic moments of the film involves the Army of Clones and the Jedi "Generals" as they are slaughtered one by one as the clone soldiers systematically execute them. You'd have to see it to really appreciate its morbid beauty.

In the base of the entire movie lies the love that Padme and Anakin have developed over the years (though it is considered verboten (forbidden)). I'm honestly confused about that part considering that Jedi obviously had children and fell in love, but the only thing i can think of is that Anakin's status in the Jedi order are what leads his love to be forbidden....or maybe i just missed a step somewhere. (who knows?).

Anakin has grown to be a powerful Jedi (not quite a Knight yet, if Obi's statement that he would Soon become a Knight are true), but with this power he has grown very prideful and conflicted. He has had several visions of Padme's death which leads him to try and find a way to keep her alive at all costs.

It is this drive to keep her alive which is evetuanlly his downfall. Palpatine plays upon Anakin's internal conflicts (and probalby more than just a little tweaking with Dark side influence). Eventually Anakin inadvertantly causes Mace Windu's demise (cutting off Mace's hand while he tried to strike down Palpatine, at which point Palpatine killed Windu with the use of Force Lightning).

At this point Anakin turns himself completely over to the dark side. Perhaps not from want, but simply because he has lost all hope of redemption, and only sees solstice in saving Padme from death. Palpanine uses Anakin to exterminate the Jedi order and create a new rein of the Sith. He orders Anakin to go to the Jedi temple and "do what must be done" with promises that this will help unlock the power to save Padme.

It is at this juncture that some of the most shocking and depressing scenes bring themselves to light, and play upon our minds. Palpatine issues "Order 66" to the clone armies fighting along side the Jedi. Without missing a beat, troopoers turn their guns upon the Jedi who were just seconds ago, their allies. The music chosen for these scenes are perfect in tone for the injustice of what happens. The moving symphony conveys a sad crescendo as each Jedi is gunned down or executed just moments after realizing what is happening.

In the Jedi temple the Clone troopers are killing off all of the Padawans and children. A shocking scene ends as Anakin walks into the Council chambers and discoveres that many children are hiding behind the empty seats. One of the children stands up and asks, "Master Anakin, what are we to do? there are too many of them." There is a quiet second as Anakin looks down on him with dark eyes. The only response given by the newly christened "Darth Vader" is the snap hiss of his lightsaber causing the child to jump in fright. At this point the scene cuts away. VERY heady and powerful stuff. (the first time we saw this at the theatre everyone gave a little gasp in surprise. I think at that moment we all knew there wasn't a doubt of what would happend to them).

*sigh*......that was worth the money at the VERY least. *grin*

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I think i may have just wet my pants! (Star Wars Episode III)

So there i was on yet another day of boring work, when i stumbled upon a blissful article by noneother than Kevin Smith (Silent Bob). Apparently he managed to snag an early early seating of Episode III and placed some of his thoughs onto virtual paper.

All i can say after reading the damn thing is......"I'm gonna wet my pants!"

I won't ruin the fun for the rest of you, but some of the things that were said in that article gives me a new dawn of hope that Lucas has finally smartened up and went with the "Old SK00l" story telling.

I've already told Nic (Vegetarian, Linux compilin, cool coworker) one thing. If this movie turns out to be as great as Kevin's article says it will be.....i will break down and cry in full public. (Red rimmed, snot nosed expression and everything!)