A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I think i may have just wet my pants! (Star Wars Episode III)

So there i was on yet another day of boring work, when i stumbled upon a blissful article by noneother than Kevin Smith (Silent Bob). Apparently he managed to snag an early early seating of Episode III and placed some of his thoughs onto virtual paper.

All i can say after reading the damn thing is......"I'm gonna wet my pants!"

I won't ruin the fun for the rest of you, but some of the things that were said in that article gives me a new dawn of hope that Lucas has finally smartened up and went with the "Old SK00l" story telling.

I've already told Nic (Vegetarian, Linux compilin, cool coworker) one thing. If this movie turns out to be as great as Kevin's article says it will be.....i will break down and cry in full public. (Red rimmed, snot nosed expression and everything!)


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