A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Oh dude! Hak would love this!*looks around* Oh...shit.

Yeap....from now on Nate will no longer have the title of "The Bud (tm)".
On saturday i had one of those a rare days off. Normally i'm not able to make it to the flea market, but Nate and I had planned on heading down to score some Magic the Gathering cards, and maybe a game or two from the "Video Game Dungeon" (fricking kick ass place!)

Nate gives me a call after noon, and we set up a plan for how we're going to go to the Flea Market. The plan is, he and his brother are going to leave their house, and will pick me up on the way there.

I took a shower,got dressed, and loaded up "Chronicals of Riddick" on my PC to occupy myself while i waited.
I'm happily snapping necks and hiding in the dark when i realize it has been a while since i heard from Nate. I was just about to call him when the phone rang.
At this point i'm figuring that he just had to take some extra time to get here for some reason or the other and assume he's in the parking lot.

Unfortunatley i was wrong.....WAY wrong.
After a brief pause he tells me, "Uh...dude, we're actually at the flea market......"


Oh yes, you heard me right....he was at the FLEA MARKET!! Apparently he friggin forgot to pick me up, and had been walking around without realizing for quite some time.

What happened was his brother was going to trade his copy of "Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds" for Xbox for cash at the VGD.
This game is one that Nate absolutely loves so it was natural that Nate managed to talk his bro into swapped one of his Gameboy advanced cartridges in return (his bro managed to get same amount of trade in credit too).

Giddy with his victory, he apparently forgot all about the person he said he was going to pick up 5 MINUTES AGO!!!!
Now the ironic part is that he didn't realize he totally forgot about me until after he made it to VGD (video game dungeon), this being after having of browsed through the rather large selection of Magic cards at one of hte booths..
He was looking at some games when he was thinking "Oh dude! Hak would love this game!"
It actually took him another couple of seconds to realize what was wrong with that sentence.

Yeap.......Nate is no longer Nate "The Bud (tm)". He is now Nate "the forgetful sumvabitch".

At least he didn't forget me on the way home too.......*fume*


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