A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Saturday, November 27, 2004

ZOMBIES!!! (pt3): "Sensible People Die....."

How the heck do the people in zombie movies always get surprised when they run into the exact center of a group of zombies and then can't get back out? It's mind boggling how they manage to find the EXACT spot that makes it almost impossible to get back out no matter which side they turn to!

"Oh hey, i'm just gonna run into this HUGE crowd of zombies we have here, stop dead in the center then fruitlessly spin in circles while they close in....."

"What? You wanna go AROUND the crowd of zombies?!!! WE CAN'T DO THAT!!!!! Easier to take the shortest course right through them!"

Some situations are understandable since we all know through personal experience, fate will always make EVERYTHING harder.
We've all had the sitation where you're late for work, and you might BARELY make it. You pull out onto the road, and everything looks good until all of the traffic lights decide to play "Catch the Car" with you.

However, not ALL situations are as understandable. We've all known for a long time that in zombie movies (and other horror movies in general), people just DON'T take the sensible route. In fact, anyone who does (and isn't the main character) is instantly killed by some very odd circumstances.
For instance, Group A is trying to get to the other side of a parking lot where a building of safety is located.
However, the front door has a large number of zombies amassed in front of it and it looks like they're hungry for some fresh meat. At this point someone needs to make a decision on what group A is going to do next.
The "bad" leader of the group (a.k.a the moron that leads and makes numerous bad decisions until the actual leader finally speaks up) is saying they should shoot their way to the door, and barricade it behind them.
Jane (an intelligent and commonly sultry looking woman) stops everyone and points out that there is a back exit. This back exit appears to be devoid of zombies, so she deduces they should simply run around the gaggle of braingummers at the front door, and rush in.

UH OH! it appears Jane is the sensible person of the movie!!

There is a flash from the top of the building and one of the party is killed instantly by the high powered (and oddly accurate) rifle round. Can we guess who it is?!!!!......... *drumroll*


Her lifeless body falls to the asphalt as the rest of the members of the group go into a state of panic.
Half of the group dies as they run blindly into the mass of zombies at the front door.
The other half, containing the main characters and those slated to die at a later time, manage to make it for the back door that was pointed out by none other than....*trumpet fanfare*


*cheers for the sensible dead person* (and don't worry, since this is a movie, that back door just happened to be unlocked and ready for a non-zombified person to open it!)

Yeap! So next time you see any zombie movise, be on the lookout for the sensible person. They're guaranteed to die in an intersting way!

ZOMBIES!!! (pt2) "They run HOW fast?!!!"

In the past, zombies were believed to be slow and shambling creatures, inching forward toward their prey at a slow, but dangerous pace.
Such zombies are what i like to call a "Romero Zombie", and are pretty much the staple idea of what a zombie is normally portrayed as in books and movies.

Since the debute of 28 Days Later, zombies have received a sudden and dramatic change. No longer are the zombies slow and sluggish creatures. These zombies have been replaced with new zombies which are stronger and faster, creating a type of "super charged" killing machine.

The remake of John Romero's, Dawn of the Dead managed to use the "Super Zombie" to great effect, creating a chilling and dramatic image as human beings were chased down and eaten with great aplomb rather than just cornered and slowly advanced upon.

Honestly i'd rather face off against the zombies that you can run around if you're careful......

next up: "Sensible People Die....." in Zombies!!! (pt3)


What i'm really in the mood for right now is a good zombie flick. Yeap...Nothing like a couple of flesh eating zombies on screen to go with the buttery goodness of a good bowl of popcorn!

Just what is it about zombie movies that is so darn entertaining?
For me...it's the blood and gore. Anything that lets you watch heads explode in blood misting glory is pure entertainment or me.
Bust a couple of zombie heads and BAM you get a smash hit, and lots of fun for a saturday night movie fest! (toss in a couple of boobies and it earns a spot on my "Shelf 'o honor" too).

And what Zombie movie would be complete with completely witty and devistating one liners?!
One liners, always good for blasting with a shotgun or smashing in skulls with a wickett bat!
One liners, guaranteed to make you look ultra cool, even if you managed to unleash the ultimate evil upon the world!
One liners, just damn sexy!

Next up: "They run HOW fast?!!!" in ZOMBIES!!! (pt2)

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Gobble gobble

AHHHH!!!! Turkey day! At last this long awaited holiday is here!

I'm over at my dad's house for Thanksgiving, and right now i can smell the wonderful smells of candied yams, and stuffing plus all the other trimmings.
Since we started cooking last night, i've been forced to sit here and smell that blasted turkey for at least a good 12 hours. But the time is almost upon us!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

To, too and two.....Either way they're all giving me a headache!

So I was watching the News the other day (Channel 9 Eye-witness), when suddenly they have this report with a little box and a title that said "Gone to far". I sat there for a second and just stared at that window like it was a black hole that just sprouted from the head of a nun. When did they ever use "to" where "too" should be?

What I've been noticing in the last couple of years, is a severe decline in the English language. I'm talking mucho malo decline. So bad that I sit there wondering just how people manage to communicate properly.

I have a friend who I talk to online from time to time. She's quite a sweet girl (a little confused and backwards at times) but only about 14 years old and still naive about things I really wish she wasn't so naive about (mostly relationships and love).
Through our times chatting and joking around, she's made me wonder what some of the teachers are teaching the children in our present day.
We were having a nice discussion about good movies coming out sometime later that month, and I asked her if she had seen any good movies lately. She immediately responded that she couldn't have "seen" anything, and stated "I haven't SAW any good movies."
I sat there in a kind of shock trying to figure out if what I had actually said was indeed incorrect. It's one of those moments were you're kind of stuck at a position of trying to figure out if you've been wrong all along, and you feel dumbfounded until you come to your senses. I spent about the next 20 minutes saying saw and seen to myself in different ways to see if I was just saying it incorrectly. Honestly, all i really managed to do was give myself a monster headache.
We spent quite a good amount of time trying to convince each other that our individual viewpoints were correct, and it ended at a stand still when she kind of shrugged and went "oh well".
I'm not one to press a point if the other person isn't up to listening, but what surprised me the most was she was so adamant about her correction (probably where my confusion was coming from).

I'm not much of a grammar fiend (i've known quite a few that would stop short of smiting you to get you to correct your speech), but when someone uses something that is blatantly out of place, I just have to say something at least once, then i leave it alone.

But either way, "proper" English like my grandmother used to push on me seems to be on the downtrend.

Lots and Lots of White Space

Whoa....................kind of interesting to start off on something, but then you get hit smack in the face with all of that spare whitespace you just can't seem to fill up.
It's kind of like moving into a new apartment with nothing to fill it with. You go to the stores and see what you'd like, but none of it seems to match, and you have no "real" direction on what you want to do.

Basically i decided to start this blog until i can get a personal website up and running in which to pour my daily dose of insanity into. I've seen a lot of other websites i enjoy to read and experience, and i want to do something which i can call my own and have thier sense of style (see cabon copy, cookie cutter) .

In the late evenings/early mornings I get these odd urges to write out random things that seem like a good idea at the time, but once i get it on (electronic) paper, it seems like it's probably a better idea for me not to post it. Guess you (the reader) are going to get quite a treat in being able to see these things before i come to my senses and send em to the ole Recycling bin.