A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Jack Thompson vs. Penny-Arcade

Can you believe this lunatic?!

This hotshot lawyer from Miami is spewing a load of crap about how video game violence promotes murders.

Long story short, he created a short statement he labeled "A modest proposal".
He challenged anyone to create a video game based off of his specifications, in which the protagonist would commit attrocious acts of violence.

In return for someone to develop and distribute such a game, he would "donate $10,000 to the charity of the developer's choice."

Apparently a group of freelance game developers did such a thing (one among many), and Mr. Thompson (in all of his brown nosed glory) stated that he had only said it to make a point!
What a jerk!

See the article below for more information.

Penny Arcade....lawsuit...BAD IDEA!


  • What a misinformed jerk you are!!

    If you had read those articles you
    would know he only wants to strum up his business opportunities. The gaming industry has big bucks and he only wants to cash in on them.
    Like many Lawyers do, its not about ethics just money.!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:22 PM  

  • Obviously you're proving my point.
    This guy is a complete moron in trying to make his point against violence in video games his standard.

    All in all, regardless of what his motive is, his target is complete bullshit.

    By Blogger Hakai, at 9:17 PM  

  • I have nothing related to add, but I just want to note that people that post anonymous comments are pussies.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:21 AM  

  • Amen!

    By Blogger Hakai, at 11:05 AM  

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