A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Late Night Frag Fests

So how many other poeple out there work late nights and seem to live the life of a vampire? Or at least a vampire who has a perchance to sit around staring at a monitor while chuggin buzz cola......oooh yeah....BUZZ...the good shit!

I'm sitting here at work waiting for the clock to strike midnight so that i can pack up my gear, and drag my weary ass back to home where i can spend 5.............

no wait! 4..........or maybe....
*counts down on fingers*

Yeah that's right!.......3 hours sleeping!

After intense calculations that my oxygen deprived brain has managed to spit out, I've narrowed it down to 3 hours...... considering that the other 5 or so will be spent fragging the hell out of the new Battlefield 2 demo.
Who the hell gets any sleep when crap like that comes out?! that shit is gold! And not that Funky lepricaun "ah yer after me lucky charms" gold, i'm talking "Bury Tom the butcher, ta keep off der mangy scallywags gold! YARRRRRRR!" *covers one eye*

One thing i can say?
Damn you Neal for making me hooked on this game!!! It's like that damn peanut butter jelly fetish in high school all over again!!! I SWORE I'D NEVER BE HOOKED LIKE THAT ON ANYTHING AGAIN!!!! *bawls eyes out*

Ah, but anyhow......Battlefield 2 is going to freaking rock......i'm thinking of getting a preorder now.


till next time!


Hak, the Mighty


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