A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Space and Coffee: The …..er….”something” frontier

Feeling oddly spaced out as of late.  
Ever get that feeling that you should really be doing something and then suddenly not doing anything at all?  
It’s like one of those Saturday mornings where you wake up and think, “Man, there are a lot of things I wanna do today,” right before you promptly fall back to sleep and wake up 6 hours later with a major headache and an urge for blood.

I met up with Nic today for our usual Wednesday, post-work coffee and chat at Barnes and Nobles.
He recently switched jobs and has acclimated nicely to his new position as LAN administrator at his new company.  From what he’s telling me, it’s quite an interesting swap from the ole Helpdesk chaos at our old job.

Barnes and Nobles has this oddly pleasant and relaxing atmosphere perfect for chilling after a hard day at work.  We managed to snag a pair of plush chairs with a scuffed coffee table.  They were apparently strategically placed smack between the audio book and romance novel sections. It’s kind of odd to see heaving chests and damsels in distress on EVERY book.  I managed to occupy myself for a while reading various titles.
They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but after reading a million “Night Sweats” and “Single Bite Vampires” titles, I kind of had the feeling that a lot of romance novelists own some kind of flip book for creating these kinds of novels.
You know, the kind like the old “Choose your own adventures”:

If you would like your character to sleep with the stable boy, turn to page 2.  
If you would like your character to sleep with the “Dark Stranger™” turn to page 3.

I think I need to go to sleep.   This whole blog post is getting odd.





  • Ref Comments ???

    Looks like a solication which gives out all your information to anyone they want to give it too.. Read before you agree !!

    Nothings Free... Beware of the hidden !

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:12 PM  

  • damn...looks like i can't even get away from SPAM on my own Blog.


    By Blogger Hakai, at 8:37 AM  

  • NO ONE IS SAFE. haha.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:20 AM  

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