A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Zombie Kibble...the T-shirt!

Went for the normal coffee run at B&N last night with Nic and Neal.
As normal i was about 20-30 minutes late (damn you timeline!), and we found Nic browsing around in the fantasy/sci-fi section and he gave me my christmas gift (albet a little early).

It was a light mint green t-shirt with "Zombie Food" written on the front. This shirt is freaking awesome! (Nic even remembered to buy it as a size medium too!)

If anyone knows anything about me, it's that i'm a huge zombie fanatic, (I even have the Zombie survival guide and everything!) so it's basically a given when i say this is a freaking awesome gift!

I'll have to get some pictures set up. I mean this thing freaking rocks!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

2 days down...7 to go!


Talk about a relief, I just got back from the wonderful 4 day weekend that i really needed.

On Sat i ended up going up to my dad's really late. So late that I might as well have called it Sunday! After a quick unloading of the car and some laundry, i crashed out on the couch not really remembering how i got there.

Sunday was an absolute blast. Since alcohol and chillin with my dad were on the schedule, i felt quite happy downin a few brews with him.

First we hit Sea World, where Dad and I had a few beers at the Anheuser-Busch hospitality center and managed to ride Kraken about 15 times in a row.
(Never knew he liked riding roller coasters as much as i do!)

We then headed over to Universal's Isle of Adventure. I can honestly say that the Dueling Dragons have to be some of the coolest coasters i've ever been on.
In my opinion the red one is a better ride, but then again, i'll have to do it a few more times before i can make up my mind.

Having year passes to these places is great!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Finally snagged 2 of my 9 days left of vacation!

I'm so psyched! I finally get a few days of breathing room, and i get to finish up some christmas shopping tomorrow!

So i also joined Myspace.com the other day and just got back in contact with some friends of mine from high school. I have to say, it's an interesting concept, but it has this little "something" that seems to be missing.

I'm pretty sure the dude that thought up that place has made a ton of money by now. It's a hotspot of people who constantly check what they're doing. Excellent place to market advertisements!

(dear god i think about marketing too much now.....i need to go lay down).