A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

2 days down...7 to go!


Talk about a relief, I just got back from the wonderful 4 day weekend that i really needed.

On Sat i ended up going up to my dad's really late. So late that I might as well have called it Sunday! After a quick unloading of the car and some laundry, i crashed out on the couch not really remembering how i got there.

Sunday was an absolute blast. Since alcohol and chillin with my dad were on the schedule, i felt quite happy downin a few brews with him.

First we hit Sea World, where Dad and I had a few beers at the Anheuser-Busch hospitality center and managed to ride Kraken about 15 times in a row.
(Never knew he liked riding roller coasters as much as i do!)

We then headed over to Universal's Isle of Adventure. I can honestly say that the Dueling Dragons have to be some of the coolest coasters i've ever been on.
In my opinion the red one is a better ride, but then again, i'll have to do it a few more times before i can make up my mind.

Having year passes to these places is great!


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