A Whole Lot of Nothing....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Monologue: Screw the world! I'm sleeping!

So this morning i woke up to the cold glow of light reflecting off of the ceiling fan from the window behind my bed's headboard.

It was then that i had this sudden urge to develop one of those corny monologues where you argue with yourself.
I sat there for a minute thinking, "Screw the world! What has it done for me besides thrown grief and turmoil at me?!"

For the next 15 minutes I heard at least 7 different variations in my head of what i should and shouldn't do for the next step in my day.
Quite honestly it was like listening to 6 different people with voices that sound oddly the same, telling me to do henious crimes, interesting pasttimes and some stuff that was just......well......some really F-ed up stuff.

Luckily the last one got the crap beat out of him by the rest. (unless all of that scuffling and yelling was something else...*shrug*)

After all this I let my motor functions take over. I sat up and just kind of 'puddled' there on the edge of it for about 10 more seconds just....staring. (Puddling being defined as a state in which you're really not feeling very solid and can't do much more than just sit up and try not to fall over).

I then had one of those really long ass moments where you feel like complete crap and can't do anything but sit there, feel the weight of gravity and realized you've been starring at something for the past 10 seconds.

Definition of Morale:
The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.

Looks like i scored about 5 strikes this morning.


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